Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beauty Diary Tag

I have seen this on quite a few blogs now so i thought i would join in, i tag everyone so if you see this do it too! :D

1. What time did you do your makeup today? 7:30 am
2. What’s the least expensive beauty item you used? Natural Collection White Eye Pencil
3. What was the biggest problem you needed to correct? Under eye circles
4. Did you apply false eyelashes? No
5. Did you do anything while applying make-up? No
6. Biggest make-up mishap today? Forgot to take powder with me today, couldn't touch up but i suppose i didn't look that bad
7. Did you have a makeup inspiration in mind? No just everyday make up today
8. What was the most time-consuming part of your makeup routine? Getting a flawless canvas
9. What part of your routine is the most fun? Bronzer, its an instant tan :D
10. What part of your make-up makes the biggest difference in the way you look? Mascara
11. Neutral or colorful eyeshadow? Neutral
12. Liquid or mineral foundation? Liquid.
13. Do you do your hair or make-up first? Make up
14. Did you pack a make-up bag to take with you for the day? No i left it at home!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    I am giving away a $40 gift certificate on my blog! Go here:

    if you haven't entered yet!
    Spread the word for extra entries.
