On a more happy note, there's only 25 days until Christmas, now I'm not normally one to get that excited about Christmas, i enjoy the holiday itself, but not so much presents and etc. anymore. However this year I've been making a list of things i might like, (which I'll ask my boyfriend and parents for). And at the top of my list is indefinitely the sigma brush roll set, atm i just have a mish mash of miscellaneous brushes, so i want a nice professional looking set, so that's that. But then i honestly cannot think of anything else to add to it besides vouchers or money.
So far my sister's got me this cute taupey beige scarf, you know one of those thick knitted ones, i love it, it's so warm for winter! And she's also got me a MAC voucher which i will enjoy spending ;)
I was thinking about putting a MAC eye shadow palette on my list but i have no idea which one to choose, what do you guys think? Has anyone got any of the palettes? Here's pictures and information about the palettes I'm interested in...

So leave a comment below about which one you think, or any other ideas, speak to you all soon, bye x